S.I papa 5 義父の法事が近いので購入以前の数珠が壊れて早半年、いい加減、家族の念珠を使い回すのはやめなさいと説教し続け、やっと自分の念珠を手に致しました念珠専門のショップらしく比較的、安価であっても丁寧な作りをされていると感じました念珠袋も付いており妻も満足したようです女性の方であれば宗旨宗派に関わらずお使いになれると思います(く
Matsu 5 I saw similar dishes in Japanese shops but they looked fragile. I decided to take a chance on these dishes as I liked that they were made in Japan. They are much nicer than the ones I saw in shops and they look less fragile, too. I have not actually used them yet but I look forward to serving curry, salads, or other foods in them in the future.