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Unfortunately the form factor of a wide-angled lens is bigger than a "standard" lens, so wide lenses never come as standard on small video cameras. Also, I suppose that the mass market is more concerned with zooming in: children's sports, whatever.I use this converter most of the time in my video cameras. Standard lens is almost useless: not wide enough and not long enough. Somehow, that middle range is the most boring. For a feeling of space, the wide angle is essential. For capturing distant scenes, the teleconverter is quite dramatic.Although it makes your camera a bit more bulky and "front-heavy," you'll soon get used to it. In fact, it feels better in my hand because it can give some extra stability to the shot: the camera is longer and has more mass so it moves more smoothly. The lighter the camera, the easier it is to jog it and create blur. Also, with the wide converter, your footage will look more fluid, because jerky movement will be less apparent.I've used many kinds of wide-angle lenses, in many scenarios and with many cameras and, considering its price and the quality of the build, this lens is as good as any I've used. It doesn't look or feel cheap. I am quite happy with it.