しなるシャフトの練習用アイアン 右利き用 左利き用 ゴルフ 練習器具 ゴルフ用品 トレーニング用品
しなるシャフトの練習用アイアン 右利き用 左利き用 ゴルフ 練習器具 ゴルフ用品 トレーニング用品
長さ(約) 37インチ
重量(約) 386g
ロフト 32
ライ 62
バランス D1
種類 右利き用/左利き用

しなるシャフトの練習用アイアン 右利き用 左利き用 ゴルフ 練習器具 ゴルフ用品 トレーニング用品
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UPDATE 2021-10-27: It's been over a month since I've been using this ball almost daily, and I must apologize because it's actually quite junk. I posted a photo of this ball after nearly one month of use.I wasn't sure if the problem was the dirty outdoor courts I use, or dry skin, or bad technique... but for some reason I kept getting cuts on my fingertips once I started using this ball. The cuts got so bad (yes, blood) that I had to STOP PLAYING for 4 days for them to heal properly. I think it's caused by the cheap rubber, so I ended up using a Molten D3500 also sold here on Amazon and it's been such a delight. That ball has less grip outdoors but at least my fingers don't bleed (lol wut?).I've decided to downgrade this down from 5 to 4 to 2-stars because after a few months of outdoor play, I realize it's just not a good ball. It might be fine if you're playing a bit of 1-on-1 once a week, but it's not going to be good if you're balling day in and day out. I recommend getting a higher quality and slightly more expensive synthetic leather ball (or natural leather for indoor play).UPDATE 2021-09-28: I've been using the replacement (identical) ball daily for the last two weeks and this one has no problems. The previous one was definitely defective, so I won't give 5 stars because there's clearly a QC issue somewhere.UPDATE 2021-09-17: I downgrade to 4-star because I had to order a replacement ball. This one loses air within just 1 day. So I have to pump it every time I want to use it. My 2 other Spalding balls haven't been pumped in months and they're fine. I guess this one is defective.There isn't much to say about a rubber basketball. It weighs about 0.6kg and bounces well. After one session on an outdoor court, the painted grip lines almost completely faded (from silver). Like my previous Spalding ball, this one won't last forever on an outdoor court, but at this price it's worth buying a new one every year or so. Old beat-up balls will poorly impact your game anyways.
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