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  4. *和訳有* GMT: Normandy '44 3rd printing
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*和訳有* GMT: Normandy '44 3rd printing


*和訳有* GMT: Normandy '44 3rd printing


One 22x34 inch full-color map
2 countersheets (9/16")
32-page Rulebook
5 Player Aid cards
1 6-sided die

TIME SCALE 1 day per turn
MAP SCALE 3.8 km per hex
UNIT SCALE Battalion, Regiment, and Brigade

lt;!DOCTYPE htmlgt;lt;html lang="ja"gt;lt;headgt;lt;meta charset="UTF-8"gt;lt;meta name="GENERATOR" content="JustSystems Homepage Builder Version for Windows"gt;lt;titlegt;lt;/titlegt;lt;/headgt;lt;bodygt;

Normandy '44 is a 2, 3, or 4-player, regimental level game of the D-Day landings on June 6th and the battles that raged in Normandy for the next 21 days. During this crucial period the Germans had their only chance to push back the Allied invasion before the preponderance of Allied men and material made the outcome certain. During this period, the U.S. 1st Army fought across the Cotentin Peninsula and captured the major port of Cherbourg while British forces took on the bulk of of the German panzer divisions near Caen.

Each turn represents 1 day. Each hex represents 3.8 kilometers (or 2.3 miles). Most units are regiments or brigades though most of the armor units are represented as battalions.

The game uses a simplified Ardennes '44 system: Move, Fight and Reserve Movement. All non-tank battalion units are rated for Troop Quality, while all armor units have a Tank Rating. In each battle these ratings are used to provide shifts for either the attacker or defender. Other important shifts are provided by air power, naval support, artillery and/or Tiger tanks.

The game includes a 22 turn Campaign game, a 7-turn Tournament Scenario that focuses on the Allies linking up the beaches, and a scenario covering the battle in the peninsula and the capture of Cherbourg. In addition, there are rules for allowing 3 or even 4 players to play the game.lt;/bodygt;lt;/htmlgt;

*和訳有* GMT: Normandy '44 3rd printing

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