マンナンライフ クラッシュタイプの蒟蒻畑ライト もも 1ケース 150g×30個
マンナンライフ クラッシュタイプの蒟蒻畑ライト もも 1ケース 150g×30個
マンナンライフ クラッシュタイプの蒟蒻畑ライト もも 【1ケース】 150g×30個
高さ : 17.00 cm
横幅 : 21.80 cm
奥行 : 43.40 cm
重量 : 5.47 kg
高さ : 17.00 cm
横幅 : 21.80 cm
奥行 : 43.40 cm
重量 : 5.47 kg ※梱包時のサイズとなります。商品自体のサイズではございませんのでご注意ください。
マンナンライフ クラッシュタイプの蒟蒻畑ライト もも 1ケース 150g×30個
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...but with some improvements. The vertical slider that moves up the rails has a better design. And it’s easier to lock into place. My old one was a 3m x 3m so this one is a little harder to put up. But I did it myself in about 30 mins. But I have learned the technique and it will go faster next time. Some people say it requires 4 people but that is just not true.Stand it up and extend each leg to the first locking click. Now just walk around corner to corner pulling outward on each corner. As long as the corners are close, grab the adjacent corner and pull them apart. It helps to shake the entire assembly when doing this, When it doesn’t want to move outward any further, put your foot on the base, grab vertical slider and push up, again while shaking the assembly a little. Simply move corner to corner. No, it doesn’t move very much with each effort, but it most definitely moves. Be patient. At some point you need to extend the leg posts another click. After the corners are about 2m apart, put the cover on. Continue putting your foot on the baseplate and pushing up on the slider. Eventually the frame starts to expand more with each effort. When it expands to the point that the cover needs to be attached to the velcro (magic tape) extend the corner posts to the third, and final, click position. (Be careful not to pull the bottom section out of the top section.)So, 4 people are needed? Nope. 2 would be great but if you are patient and persistent, it’s something that can be done by one person. For me it’s easier to do by myself than try to 1) convince my wife to help and 2) explain again and again what it is I want her to do.
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